Can I Get a Flat Stomach After a Hysterectomy?

If you wish to lose belly fat and get a flat abdominal area, you need to lose fat from your whole body. Abdominal exercises are good for the muscles of that area. However, they cannot get rid of your stored fat. Furthermore, if you have undergone a hysterectomy, you have a high chance of gaining … Read more

How Accurate are Fitbit Calories Burned?

Fitbit has been a huge hit and a lot of people are depending on it. However, we are still unsure about its accuracy. Some of you might not know whether this fitness tracker is accurate or not. Moreover, what are its chances of error and mistake? So when it comes to fitness trackers, Fitbit is … Read more

Is Cream of Wheat Healthy?

“Cream of Wheat” is a brand that provides breakfast porridge. So if you, at first, thought that it was actually some sort of cream, it is not. What is it made of? This porridge is made from “farina” which is a hot cereal that is derived from wheat. And not just regular wheat, the type … Read more

How Do I Get My Hip Bones To Stick Out?

You can do exercise and go on a strict diet but you still won’t get everything that you want. This is because of your body shape. The shape of your bones is different from others. Therefore, it is possible that even if you have low body fat, you are still not getting that V-line. Rethink … Read more

Are Grapes Acidic? Should You Avoid Grapes With Acid Reflux

The sweet and sour taste of grapes makes them tasty. But they are quite acidic in nature. Their acidity is even higher than cherries and blueberries. Therefore, whether it is suitable for you to eat grapes or not while having GERD depends on different factors. We will have a look at them here. pH of … Read more

Are Apples Acidic and Good for Acid Reflux?

Does consuming an apple each day also stop indigestion from happening? They provide a sufficient amount of food. These alkaline substances are thought to be helpful to decrease gastroesophageal disease symptoms. Whenever the reflux rises into the esophageal, gastroesophageal disease ensues. Some people assert that eating this fruit shortly after supper or soon before bed … Read more

Are Cherries Acidic? Cherries and Acid Reflux

Whenever you hear the word cherry what comes to your mind? Sweet reddish fruit with a beautiful shape and yummy taste. But are cherries only bringing sweet memories? What about their sour taste or acidic nature? They are a fruit and almost all fruits have more or less citric acid. So are they good for … Read more

Are Blueberries Acidic? Do They Ok for Acid Reflux?

Blueberries are a fun fruit. They look good and their color makes us feel refreshed. Furthermore, blueberries are a rich source of nutrients and also antioxidants. Because of all these reasons, they are our favorite fruit that we enjoy. The acidic or basic nature of things has an important role in our life. If you … Read more

Why Do I Get Diarrhea from Creatine Monohydrate?

Creatine monohydrate makes your body look bigger and stronger. Therefore, a lot of athletes and bodybuilders use it as a supplement. It maximizes their performance in the games and helps them remain in shape. However, the things that offer quick results often come with disadvantages or you can call them side effects. Thus, diarrhea and … Read more

Is Sparkling Ice Good for You?

Drinks taste amazing but their sugar content is quite high and we have become diet conscious. Therefore, now we have sugar-free drinks. However, you should know that they are also not quite healthy. But there is something that makes drinks feel and taste better, which is the sparkling effect. It makes you feel refreshed and … Read more