Seven Benching Sins – Workout Tips

“What’s your bench?” Is the most commonly asked question in the gym. It sort of determines whether you’re a “macho man” or a “little man”. Who wouldn’t want to bench 405 for reps? I know I would. What confuses guys is how to increase it. I’ve talked to guys over the internet about increasing their … Read more

What are Sets and Reps? – Why are They Important?

Most of you will already know this, so feel free to skip this paragraph. Other than a few anecdotes you won’t get much out of it. Sets and reps are notions to go by, suggestive guidelines that serve as a relative intensity-measure. When you do any given exercise you have to decide on a number … Read more

Simple and Safe Strength Training – Keep Yourself Safe

There appear to be too many “rules,” too many “self-evident truths,” and too much egotism and close-mindedness in strength training for sport. The fact is, strength training for sport is a rather simple concept– no, not the training itself (which needs to be brutally hard), but the principles behind the training. I say let the … Read more

Training for Competitive Powerlifting – Training Routine Tips

The sport of powerlifting is simple- the person who lifts the most combined poundage in the Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift wins the contest. For this reason, the Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift should be the core of a powerlifter’s training routine. Training for power lifters should consist of hard, brief, and infrequent workouts using … Read more

It’s Not What You Do It’s How Hard You Do It – Workout Tips

Today in the strength and conditioning field there are as many ways to train athletes as there are different ways to run a football or basketball team. Being around collegiate athletics for almost 10 years I have seen hundreds of different strength and conditioning programs for virtually every sport. Some programs incorporate Olympic Lifting; some … Read more

Work Out Or Wimp Out – Thinking of Skipping

Why you should go to the gym today. Thinking of skipping that workout today? Sounds tempting, doesn’t it? Sometimes it feels like you work out five or six days a week for one to three hours but you always manage to come across someone who works out less and looks better than you. Everyone has … Read more

Basic Training – Exercises to Become HUGE

Not as in military terms, however, it may seem like it to some. Basic training exercises are not glorious nor a whole lot a fun, but they are the basis of becoming HUGE! When we say “basic” we don’t actually mean “basic”, perhaps a more effective term would be “base” training. Before you can become … Read more

Don’t Be A Ceiling Thruster! – Workout Like a Pro

The correct form for the bench press requires that both your feet are touching the ground and your glutes, as well as your upper back remain anchored to the bench. Keep both shoulders back while keeping a slight arch in your lower back. So if this is the proper form how does a ceiling thruster … Read more