Sick of Your Gym? – Tips for Gym Heaven

The more I read and travel the more I find the same issue coming up time and time again. I hear it from fellow powerlifters and get a ton of questions on how to deal with it. Though I train at Westside, my traveling and busy schedule still allows me to experience this first hand. … Read more

Seven Benching Sins – Workout Tips

“What’s your bench?” Is the most commonly asked question in the gym. It sort of determines whether you’re a “macho man” or a “little man”. Who wouldn’t want to bench 405 for reps? I know I would. What confuses guys is how to increase it. I’ve talked to guys over the internet about increasing their … Read more

Work Out Or Wimp Out – Thinking of Skipping

Why you should go to the gym today. Thinking of skipping that workout today? Sounds tempting, doesn’t it? Sometimes it feels like you work out five or six days a week for one to three hours but you always manage to come across someone who works out less and looks better than you. Everyone has … Read more

Tom Platz talks SQUATTING

“I really believe attitude monitors talent. You have to take what you want. There has to be a certain amount of killer instinct present. You can’t take no-grow for an answer. This strategy can be applied in any venture.”  “Some people like to live without too much risk. They’re satisfied leading a safe existence. This … Read more

Killer Quad Day Redefining Intensity!

1999 NPC Nationals LH 6th, 2000 NPC Nationals HW 7th, 2001 NPC Nationals HW 15th (This routine is designed for trainers who have advanced clients who may have stalled in their progress or are looking for another challenge. This is, in no way, to be attempted by beginners or even moderately experienced trainees. Note: the … Read more