Are Strawberries Acidic? Are They Good For Health?

Do you know that ancient Romans used to use strawberries to treat all ailments, from a normal fever to alarming depression? Yes, it’s true! Even after hundreds of years, strawberries are used by more than 94% of American households so most probably, your house must be one of them and you might be wondering whether … Read more

Are Bananas Acidic? Do They Help to Reduce Acid Reflux?

Do you know that bananas are considered the very first fruit of this world? Well, that’s because it is believed to have been discovered more than ten thousand years ago. Although we don’t have any evidence to prove when exactly bananas originated, one thing we are sure about is that they are still loved similarly. … Read more

Are Oranges Acidic? Orange and Its Juice for Heartburn Good or Bad

After mangoes, oranges are the most loved and mouth-watering fruit which is like in all parts of the world. Due to having antioxidant nature and being rich in fibers, they contribute a lot to keeping your skin, hair, and nails in the perfect shape. However, some people complain that they feel heartburn and acid reflux … Read more

Is Peanut Butter Acidic?

Most of us can’t imagine our lives without peanut butter as it makes up for super easy and energy-filled go-to snacks. The smooth, chunky texture and epitome of flavors make it a favorite of both adults and kids. However, some people complain that peanut butter causes burns on their chest and a sore sensation on … Read more

Are Grapes Acidic? Should You Avoid Grapes With Acid Reflux

The sweet and sour taste of grapes makes them tasty. But they are quite acidic in nature. Their acidity is even higher than cherries and blueberries. Therefore, whether it is suitable for you to eat grapes or not while having GERD depends on different factors. We will have a look at them here. pH of … Read more